About me:
I'm a girl. I'm 26 years old. I graduated from Eastern Michigan University. I want to work in a theatre and be a librarian. I have amazing friends most of which I am usually afraid to talk to. I love to read. I love movies. I belly dance. I am a theatre kid. I watch too much TV and am okay with that. I love my cell phone. My favorite color is purple. Purple glitter. I am easily distracted by things that sparkle. I laugh too much and am going to have eight million wrinkles. I am addicted to people. I crave information. I like to keep an open mind, but not so open that my brain falls out. I love coffee. I don't eat meat. I make things. Lots of things. I'm attracted to attractiveness. One of my favorite words is 'tumble'. I love my feet, but hate yours. I like to answer questions about myself, but am much more comfortable doing so when I don't have to say anything out loud. I'm a big fan of vodka. I have green eyes. I will always think that I would look better if I were thinner, but I am not fat. I wanna be your friend.
About the blog:
What can you expect to read? A little bit of everything. My goal is to take more pictures. Of everything. My life is under-documented and I'm gonna try to fix that, because I am a big fan of looking back and seeing where I was and what I was doing. One of the major things I'd like to use this blog for is to keep progress updates on my costume-making adventures. And my "real" photography adventures, although there will probably more of that on flickr which you can get to through the side bar. And my dance adventures. And any other adventures I happen to have. And lots of random babbling from me that I hope won't bore you too much, or make you run away. So yeah, a little bit of everything. Leave comments if you see something you like (or don't like) so that I can be sure to do more (or less) of that!