Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cast of Characters

If you plan on reading this blog (and really if you're reading now I'm shocked, my plan is to basically speak into the void, I'm not getting my hopes up for actual readers), you will be reading A LOT about the following people (well, 2 people and a cat). And you will see more pictures of them once I have a computer again. Until then I have to work with my very limited resources, bear with me, imaginary reader.


My cat, Zula. I adopted her in June and she is turning me into a cat lady. Her name is Urzula, it's a Polish name that means "little she-bear" and it is a perfect match for her personality.


My boyfriend, Firefighter. He loves me and I love him and we are happy. There will be lots more to follow about our relationship and how awesome we are.


And me.

1 comment:

  1. I saw your post on Facebook that you have a blog. Love it! And these photos. How can you make feet look cute?
