Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Best Vacation Ever: Day One, Part Three

Or, "Ohhhhh, that's why he was acting so weird!"

Or, "The Main Event"

When I last left you "we" were napping before our trip to Sears "Willis" Tower. I slept, he paced the hotel room.

Firefighter told me that as long as we were in line before they close at 10:00 they wouldn't kick us out until we were done.* So the plan was to arrive around 9:30. We left the hotel room and walked to the tower with plenty of time to get to the observation deck before they closed. We were pretty quiet on the walk there, I blamed it on post-nap sleepiness. When we got there we were lucky enough to be able to walk right up to the desk, no lines! Win!

Next came the scariest elevator ride ever. I'm not a huge fan of elevators, they make my stomach flippy. The prospect of a 103 story elevator ride made me very nervous. I made it though, luckily it was really fast and not too bumpy. Shortly after we got up there we saw that one of the Skydecks had been roped off and there was a couple standing on it enjoying the view. Then I saw the woman start to cry! I whispered to Firefighter, "He's proposing!" He started walking in the other direction and stated that we should give them some privacy. I noticed that while we were up there Firefighter looked at his watch a lot. I was suspicious. Very suspicious. And there were all these announcements telling us that Skydeck was closing and we should make our way to the elevator. I thought we were allowed to stay! He didn't seem concerned about leaving so I went with it and keep looking at the view.

The view was AMAZING. Chicago at night with a little bit of clouds...breathtaking!

Skydeck view


Then things get a little bit fuzzy...

We headed to the one of the Skydecks and I got to take the one picture I knew I wanted to take:


And then I got to take the four pictures I didn't know I wanted to take:





He asked me to marry him, and I said yes because there is nothing I want more than to spend my life with him. There was a speech, I didn't remember it. AT ALL. He repeated it to me later after we got back to the hotel.

*sigh* It's difficult to write even now because my ring is so damn sparkly. It's a major distraction. And driving hazard. Wanna see?

Sparkle in the sun!

It's not blue. I think that's the sky reflecting in it's loveliness.

God I love Chicago.

*Big fat lie, they will kick you out. Unless you have prior arrangements for them to keep things open just for you!

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